NO, i did NOT switch from Less to Sass!

ince i announced my new Book a while ago, many people already asked me if i did switch from Less to Sass. My new book is called “Sass and Compass Designer’s Cookbook” and before i wrote some books about Less. I’m not going to tell you which pre-processor for CSS code you should use. Many
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Why does Bootstrap have nav and nav-stacked as different classes?

The “Why does Bootstrap have nav and nav-stacked as different classes?” was original posted on stackoverflow. You could ask the same for the .btn and .btn-* classes or the .navbar classes and many other classes in Bootstrap’s Less code. In short: CSS size (there’re hundreds of such specific-class/base-class tiers so if each .btn-sm would inherit
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Less for the Ionic framework

This week I started to build a Less version for the Ionic framework. The Ionic framework, or shortly Ionic is a beautiful, open source front-end SDK for developing hybrid mobile apps with HTML5. Why should you need a Less version when there’s already a SASS version? Well, I know that Less vs SASS had been
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FireLess and Less v2

In my Less Web Development Essentials book which can be found at i refer to FireLess for client side compiling and debugging Less code. When compiling your Less code in browser you can not use CSS sourcemaps to map the compiled code to its origin. There’s no technical barrier to get inline source maps
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Packt’s $5 eBonanza returns

My first book “Less Web Development Essentials” was published by Packt Publishing and also my coming book “Less Web Development Cookbook” will be publish be Packt Publishing. It’s a real pleasure to work with Packt Publishing. They will give all the support I need to write my books. I also love that Packt supports open
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How to change Bootstrap’s carousel animation

The popular carousel plugin of Bootstrap has been used on many websites. The jQuery plugin itself uses CSS class from the Less code of Bootstrap. So you can not change the classes names use for the carousel structure (without changing the plugin too). In most situations you will not change the original source code of
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Compile Bootstrap with Less v2 and the autoprefix plugin

Since Bootstrap v3.2 the grunt autoprefixer plugin is part of Bootstrap’s build process. This autoprefixer postprocessor makes the prefix mixins (found in less/mixins/vendor-prefixes.less) deprecated. Less 2 introduced plugins for the Less compiler, see also These plugins enables you to add your own postprocessors. Postprocessors change the compiled CSS code. An example can be found
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Be prepared for Bootstrap v4

The upgrade from Twitter’s Bootstrap 2 to Bootstrap 3 was not painless. The current 3.2.0. release will give you some insights for the coming v4 release of Bootstrap. The 3.2.0. already adds some new things such as the responsive utility classes now have variants for diferents CSS display property values. The most important change till
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WordPress theming, the comment_form() call, and the power of Less

When preparing the upload of the next version of JBST to I found the usage of comment_form(). The documentation of comment_form() can be found at Function Reference/comment form. The documentation of comment_form() doesn’t explain why you should have to use this comment_form() call instead of code your comment form’s HTML directly into your comments.php
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Adding a background gradient to Bootstrap’s navbar with Less

When writing a book about Less and have to answer a question about adding a background gradient to JBST’s navbar the answer was found easy. Bootstrap’s navbar is styled with two CSS classes the .navbar class sets it’s structure while the .navbar-default or .navbar-inverse classes add colors and other styling. Bootstrap’s mixins contain also mixin
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