Upgrading to Woocommerce 2

At the request of Jamedo Websites I upgrade the webshop of webvrouw to Woocommerce 2 last week. The upgrade broke my styles on the first sight. After taking a look to the css-files i found Woocommerce functions should be wrap with a woocommerce class now. Be sure to wrap <?php woocommerce_content(); ?> in a <div
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Twitter Bootstrap Templates

Twitter Bootstrap is a front-end toolkit for rapidly developing web applications and websites. It is a collection of CSS and HTML conventions. Twitter Bootstrap is built on LESS. LESS extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions. At the moment i build most website and webapplications with Twitter Bootstrap. Examples Streetart.nl,
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Twitter bootstrap buttons

Twitter Bootstrap is a front-end toolkit for rapidly developing web applications and websites. It is a collection of CSS and HTML conventions. Bootstrap works with LESS. If you want to use Twitter Bootstrap for your application or website LESS makes it’s possible to tailor made it to fit to your needs. When your are not
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Bootstrap your (designer’s) mind

Most websites are built responsive nowadays. I use Twitter Bootstrap to build responsive websites. Twitter Bootstrap is a front-end toolkit for rapidly developing web applications and websites. It is a collection of CSS and HTML conventions. Twitter Bootstrap is built on LESS. LESS extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions.
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Integrate Trustpilot’s Automatische Feedback Service With Woocommerce

Try the WooCommerce Trustpilot Plugin now. This plugin sends the Trustpilot’s BCC email after order processing or completing. Trustpilot is an open, community-based platform for sharing real reviews of shopping experiences online. You can use Trustpilot with your web shop. To ask customs for reviews Trustpilot sends e-mails. When you open a account you get
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Responsive banner ads 2

The sample code of my first post about responsive banner ads won’t work in Internet Explorer 9 and lower versions. Internet Explorer 10 will be the first version with support of matchMedia. Also other browsers like Opera lack the support of matchMedia in older versions. See Compatibility table for support of matchMedia in desktop and
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Responsive banner ads

Responsive design is hot, so responsive advertising is hot too. That’s why we see many new ads techniques and strategies. You will find a nice example of technique on Responsive Banner Ads with HTML5 and CSS3. Or maybe the GASP project will bring nice responsive html5 advertisements in future. Also platforms like responsiveads.com introduce innovative
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Facebook page tabs, nuttig of niet?

Onlangs maakte ik een facebook page tab aan. Dat bleek eenvoudiger dan ik had gedacht. Feitelijk is het niets anders dan facebook een i-frame met je eigen content laten tonen binnen de layout van facebook. Tabs vind je bovenaan op de (fan)page standaard staan daar al de tabs “foto’s” en “vind ik leuks”. Voor zo
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WordPress upgrade naar versie 3.5

WordPress 3.5 is al weer een tijdje uit. Tijd om een aantal sites te upgraden. Hier en daar hoorde ik wel wat geluiden dat de overstap voor problemen zorgde. Na een aantal sites gedaan te hebben ben ik zelf echter nog geen grote problemen tegen gekomen. Eigenlijk kun je vooral problemen verwachten als je website
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Zou je leven er dan anders uitzien? #weekzondergoogle

Eerder deze week schreef ik al over de machtige positie van Google. In Europa gebruikt meer dan 95% van de mensen Google om te zoeken op internet. Google bepaalt dus ook welke antwoorden er beschikbaar zijn voor jouw dagelijkse vragen. Zoek jij en recept en vindt Google spruitjes vies, dan eten jij en je kinderen
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