Adding a background gradient to Bootstrap’s navbar with Less

When writing a book about Less and have to answer a question about adding a background gradient to JBST’s navbar the answer was found easy. Bootstrap’s navbar is styled with two CSS classes the .navbar class sets it’s structure while the .navbar-default or .navbar-inverse classes add colors and other styling. Bootstrap’s mixins contain also mixin
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Integrate LESS in JBST WordPress Theme

The WP LESS plugin offers a good opportunity to integrate LESS in your WordPress theme. How does this fit JBST? First i try to set the requirements. JBST is based on Twitter’s Bootstrap, so we will have the option to update Twitter’s Bootstrap without changing any custom setting or extensions. JBST WordPress Theme can be
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Custom Navbars in Twitter’s Bootstrap 3

Update: Also read Adding a background gradient to Bootstrap’s navbar with Less Everyone knows the navbars for navigation from Twitter’s Bootstrap 2. In version 3 the structure has been changed a little, also see Twitter’s Bootstrap 3 RC2 (important changes). The navbar intends to be the main navigation on a website. When using more navbars on
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Twitter’s Bootstrap 3 RC2 (important changes)

The release candidate 2 of Twitter’s Bootstrap 3 shows some important changes. I decide to write a separate blog for it. Before start reading read first to get an idea of the changes between Twitter’s Bootstrap 3 and Twitter’s Bootstrap 2. Grid RC2 shows new grid class prefixes: col-xs-* for mobile devices follow by col-sm-*
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It’s a shame! The newest version of Github’s most popular project is not backward compatible

Yes, i’m talking about Twitter’s Bootstrap. Release Candidate 2 of version 3 of Bootstrap 3 has been released today. And we will find at least class name changes again, see: What is wrong with Bootstrap 3 RC2. Is there a reason to be not backward compatible? No. Or maybe…. you will need some extra CSS
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Migrate your (former) Skematik theme framework to Twitter’s Bootstrap 3: Instructions for theme developers

At Jamedo Websites we work with the Skematik Theme(work) to build responsive websites. Unfortunately the website was down for a while and Skematik use Twitters Bootstrap 2 only. Cause we need a new version of Skematik i start to migrate it to TB3. You will find this new version on: To use the theme
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Compile Twitter’s Bootstrap 3 without responsive features

Bootstrap 3 will be mobile first. No more separate responsive CSS file. Nice, but what if you don’t need / want the responsive features for some reason? So i try to compile Compile Twitter’s Bootstrap 3 without responsive features. First i made a list of all less files writing media queries: ./print.less:@media print { ./modals.less:@media
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Custom button colors in Twitter’s Bootstrap 3

Twitter’s Bootstrap 3 also delivers 6 button colors. Define your own button colors will a lot simpler as in Twitter’s Bootstrap 2. Cause TB3 drops support for IE7 the button css becomes more straight forward. Every button color still got 3 variants (default, active and disable). For the active state an background and border color
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Migrate your templates from Twitter Bootstrap 2.x to Twitter Bootstrap 3

NB the text below has been written with Twitter’s Bootstrap 3 RC1 in mind. RC2 show important changes, so also read: Major points for migration: reconsider your base templates rename your grid classes if you templates don’t use the fluid layout, check nesting rows check and reconsider the stacking of elements in the new mobile
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Twitter Bootstrap 3 breakpoints and grid

Release Candidate 2 has important changes for the grid and the grid classes. Read Twitter’s Bootstrap 3 RC2 (important changes) The most important changes in Twitter Bootstrap 3 will be the more mobile-first approaching and the grid. From now Twitter’s Bootstrap defines three grids: Tiny grid for Phones (<768px), Small grid for Tablets (<992px) and
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